Special Education
In addition to Learning Resource classrooms for Crystal Lake Central students ages 14 - 18, Crystal Lake Central High School also houses the Lifeskills program for students across the district.
Students enrolled in the Learning Resource curriculum are provided:
- Direct instruction classes, such as math and reading
- Additional supports through guided studies, such as ACCESS
- Related services
- Social emotional support
The Lifeskills program at Crystal Lake Central High School services students ages 14 to 18 and provides a traditional classroom setting to approximately 35 students. Academics are tailor-made for each student and include direct instruction classes such as math, reading, science and social science in order to meet state requirements. Students also have the opportunity to take general education courses, such as P.E., art or choir.
Staff members are committed to a team approach that supports students academically and socially with a variety of related services. Students build independent skills through the recycling program and other tasks throughout the building. The program also looks to support students in developing the skills needed for their postsecondary transition.
The program also offers a full bench of related services based on student needs. This may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Speech & language pathology
- Occupational & physical therapy
- Vision & hearing therapy
- Orientation & mobility
- Social emotional support
Students also have the opportunity to participate in Special Olympics, Tiger Buddies, and the annual Hoopin' & Hollerin' event held at CLC.